Monday, May 25, 2009

Bamboo and Shoes

I've been getting into yoga a lot and decided I don't wanna wear sweatpants to classes anymore but be really more serious with the right gear. Yet I didn't want to pay $90 at LuLuLemon or someplace like that, so I decided to go to Marshall's and they have an awesome selection of yoga pants from Adidas, Jockey, Marika, etc. I refused to buy anything over $16 and so I ended up with this

I satisfied the inner-tree-hugger in me when I found "Green Apple" yoga pants for $14.99 it's made of 60% Bamboo, 26% Cotton, and %14 Polyester! It's super soft and stretchy and it's "thermal regulating, anti-bacterial, breathable, quick dry, and anti-bromic (deodorizing). woohoo!

Ok....guilty. They put the shoe section right at the front of the entrance...what could I do?! I thought a little walk-through wouldn't hurt. I saw these and I found my perfect gladiator sandals that I have been waiting for! I was willing to spend $60+, but these were (Steven Madden, Madden Girl, original $45 -- Marshall price $24.99) They give me a lot of height yet are super comfy and I don't feel wobbly at all because of the soft heel pads, thick heel, and thick straps around my ankles for support.

Summer's Here

When I heard about the $1 flip-flop sale at Old Navy....I called them to see how early they open! People were walking around with armfuls in every color. I couldn't be adventurous so I stuck to a gray pair and a dark blue pair.

I need to walk around with blinders on, I was about to head to the cash register except a dress caught my eye. I love the pattern, the dress screamed: "casual summer day!" I went through my mental inventory of my dresses and definitely had nothing like this so that was a green light.
(Old Navy, $15)
I wore it to a BBQ half an hour later :)

No Longer Consignment Store Virgin

I've never had any problem with the idea of vintage, second hand, or Goodwill stores, but I guess I just don't really have a lot of friends that would say "Hey, let's go to Goodwill today!" So I've never really shopped at those kinda places. But a few weeks ago I was in SF's famous "Haight-Ashbury" neighborhood with an old friend, she and her boyfriend wandered into a Goodwill store and I had to go in. I didn't really expect to find anything great, but the most time I spent in there the more I started really looking. And I found this....

I couldn't believe I found GAP at a Goodwill store. I made sure it had no stains or tears. It was a black blazer with a shiny lining. I rolled up the sleeves to make it more trendy. Slight, tiny-weeny problem, it was a size 6...but since it's a jacket it didn't look too obvious that it was big on me. For $8.99 a size 6 is NOT a problem.

I am ashamed to say that I had my biases and boy did Goodwill prove me wrong and open my fashion eyes a little.

Post- Depravation Shopping Frenzy

So how do I celebrate landing a job ( even a temporary one in this crappy economy)? By stimulating it.

I've been really really lazy but I'm finally getting down to catching up with my purchases, buying stuff faster than I can write about them! I call this a frenzy cuz I actually bought 2 blouses from H&M, but had Buyer's Remorse so I returned them.

I usually window shop at UO, as much as I love their style- it's extra. Which makes this find extra-delicious. This star-sprinkled see-through smock is perfect for a So Cal summer, it will go perfectly with the brown belt I bought in the last entry and a mini jeanskirt. I found out you can wear it off shoulder too! (Urban Outfitters, originally $68 --> $9.99)

This was expensive even for UO, so why? It's "Play by C. Ronson." *Rolls eyes...*

I am becoming an evermore loyal H&M shopper ever since that first faithful day in SoHo, NYC....

I needed a cute summer dress with sleeves so I can wear it to work or play, my closet it full of strappy dresses. I was a little iffy about the olive green but when I tried it on it was a winner. It have an eyelet pattern over it and is only one layered (therefore not to self don't wear bright colored undies). The best part.... it has hidden pockets!!
(H&M, $29.90)

I've succumb to those pictures I saw on lookbook with the highwaisted skirts. This silky bubble skirt was on sale had a girly paisley pattern that's perfect for the summer. I wore it for the first time with a white tank and a long-chain necklace and got hit on.....

(H&M, originally $29.90 ---> clearance $20)