Monday, August 31, 2009

Riding the High!!!

Update: those $12.99 sandals I bought a few entries ago broke :"( I know I should expect it when they were that cheap and I wore them everywhere, but I loved them!

I am enjoying the last of summer at home in NorCal before I have to start grad school. I decided to go shopping today at the Great Mall in Milpitas and oh man did I SHOP. I let myself go crazy cuz I figure A) I need some back-to-school professional looking clothes fit for a 22 yr old grad student/intern and B) might as well before I get into the mentality of a poor grad student and I don't plan on shopping until xmas comes around. I spent a total of $184.88 (but it was a lot of stuff!)

I forgot how much I miss Autumn styles!! The cozy sweaters, the coats, the boots.....*DROOL* I barely survived a socal summer with my wardrobe that is fit for the East Coast. Unfortunately I didn't bring my camera cable with me but once I get back to socal- pics to come!!